Donnie lost 5 inches and increased his
strength scores by 70% in just 5 months!
We are so proud of Donnie for his extreme commitment and “make it happen” attitude when it comes to his workouts and nutrition plan.
Donnie often travels out of town for work and pulls 10-12 hours days, but he refuses to miss workouts. Sometimes we Zoom at 7:00am to ensure his training sessions are accomplished. He has driven 12 hours to get home and comes in the same day for his workouts. Donnie is one of the most committed, zero-excuses men we know!
As a result, he has lost 5 inches and gained 70% increase in strength in just 5 months!
Donnie says, “Focusing on all aspects of strengthening, as well as helping me improve my diet, has resulted in greater endurance and less fatigue, even after a full day of physical outdoor work.” Donnie believes our commitment to work around his travel schedule has been key to his success, stating “Elite provides the flexibility I need in my schedule to make sure I get my workouts done.”
We are celebrating Donnie today and cannot wait to see his continued success!
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