Let’s Kick Pain to the Curb!
Knee stiffness in the mornings and after prolonged sitting is common.
But maybe it doesn’t have to remain that way.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common chronic condition impacting the cartilage and surrounding structures of joints. Knees are the most common joint impacted by OA. One characteristic of knee OA is stiffness and pain that impairs our quality of life.

We can’t cure osteoarthritis. Our bodies are aging. But we can age well. We can finish strong. We can find ways to reduce pain, lubricate the cartilage, increase vascularity to the muscles, tendons and ligaments to help people move well. If you’ve tried traditional PT for your knees and failed, consider adding dry needling with e-stim.
Dry needling has evidence showing improved:
- modulation of inflammation
- reorganization of collagen
- reduce hypertonicity
- restoration of sarcomere length
- stimulation of mesenchymal and neuronal stem cells
Tip of the Day: A randomized controlled trial was published in 2018 showing in cases of knee OA, adding dry needling with electrical stimulation provided superior benefits over traditional PT. To view that study, click here.
Pain intensity, function & medication use improved after 6 weeks of treatment & remained better at a 3 month follow up. That’s great news!
If you need help with your musculoskeletal issues, Upwards Physiotherapy can help! Give us a call at (803) 800-4606 to find out how.
Sincere thanks,
Kevin Ford, DPT
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