3 Pro-Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It’s almost here! Can you smell all of the holiday party food? 

Gatherings with friends and family, office parties, school functions… they will all be decked out with goodies to the brim!

Did you know those smells literally stimulate hormones that seduce your body into thinking it’s time to eat? Regardless of whether or not you’re even really hungry?

No wonder so many of us tend to overeat during the holidays! What can we do to manage such a tricky (and deliciously-smelling) situation? 

Use these 3 pro-tips!

1. Eat a healthy protein, plus something higher in fiber, before attending any gatherings. Protein and fiber help to stabilize your blood-sugar. The more stable your blood-sugar, the more stable your hunger cues. 

2. Drink 8-10 ounces of water, 10-20 minutes before you head out to your next holiday function. Water literally takes up space in your stomach, which simply means you’ll feel fuller quicker. 

3. Eat small bites and chew slowly. Once you start eating, it takes about 20 minutes for your brain and stomach to get in sync and realize that you’re getting fed and that you’re getting full. In that 20 minute window, a lot of food can be inhaled. This is how we end up with that horrible, overstuffed or over-sugared feeling!

Remember, the goal with this holiday program is to manage and mitigate weight gain. Neither of those strategies involve extremes. But they both involve preparing and planning! 

So, use these 3 tips, and stay ahead of holiday weight gain!

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